Friday, February 12, 2010

Some "Did you knows":

THAT approximately 32 million acres are lost to de-forestation EVERY year? That’s the size of all of Greece! Forest destruction is one of the foremost contributing factors to climate change.
THAT in New York City, 80% of all carbon emissions are generated by buildings….and the same is true for most major cities. And for those who say that “green” doesn’t save money…..The Empire State Building will soon be retrofitted in a more energy-efficient manner, saving the building owners upwards of $4.400.000 annually in energy costs.
THAT Aids is the leading cause of death for people between the ages of 15-59….and that 31 children world-wide die of it every HOUR.
THAT 1 out of every 3 children in the United States is either obese or plainly overweight…and that if Childhood Obesity continues at its current rate….this could be the first generation to live shorter lives than their parents. Heart disease, diabetes and other serious health problems are ALL related to obesity.
THAT the largest gap between rich and poor in the world is…….no, not India, not Africa…..but Latin America!


What might seem like a prelude for calling 911 and the fire brigade is a really cool way for slow-cooking ribs and roasts. Just wrap the meat in Saran or similar plastic wrap, then again with foil (THAT is important!!) and slow roast in the oven. The plastic wrap traps in all the moisture and does not melt. It really doesn’t! For ribs, add sauce and finish off on the grill-----THIS time, without the plastic wrap (ahem)….
And if you want to flavor any of this with spices, remember that grinding whole spices/seeds with a mortar and pestle produces superior flavor and aromas. And whole spices keep longer than ground, which, by the way, do NOT have indefinite shelf lives! Ever try making a Chili and using Chili Powder…..New Mexico, Ancho, whatever….that you’ve had for a year or so? And wonder why you need to use almost the whole bottle of the stuff?? And it STILL has almost no taste???

**********************************************************IIt has no smell, is virtually non-detectable….and is deadly. It’s caused by blocked chimneys, poor ventilation systems, cracked pipes, flue pipes…..or gas starters to fireplaces not being properly turned all the way off. Its name is Carbon Dioxide and its poisoning symptoms are similar to the flu….headache, drowsiness, nausea and dizziness.
SO: install a CO detector/alarm in hallways near every separate sleeping area in the home and be certain that the detector cannot be covered up by furniture or draperies. As I’m sitting here with a headache, I’m wondering about all of this……

Paula S. Solomon